Up to the minute Amber Alert Information

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Message to Voters of District 17a & b: Don't be side-tracked by the political antics of North Branch's most embarrassing DFL'er. You ought not waste your time arguing with him or criticizing him for his political extremism and verbal excesses. He has made such a public fool of himself, over time, with his outbursts of irrationality, that he has absolutely no credibility politically, intellectually, educationally, religiously, socially and civilly wherever he is heard or read. Check it out with readers of the local papers - they'll tell you his name. I won't pile on him. I don't need to do that.

It is important that you as a voter stick to the issues. The issue in this political District is not North Branch's most embarrassing DFL'er - he is not running for office. Let him go. Let him continue to make a fool of himself.

What we as voters in this legislative District must concern ourselves with is the grossly - I say grossly - incompetent representation we have in the legislature in the person of our Senator Olseen and Representative Kalin.

Kalin and Olseen are the ones that ought to be the object and subject of our concern. They ARE the issue. These two are the pair who vote for us in St. Paul. Kalin and Olseen are the ones who help to raise our taxes by the votes they cast. Kalin and Olseen are the ones who restrict our freedom by the bills they introduce and the laws they pass or help to pass.

Pick up any of the local papers you want and you will find that other people are having to "cover" for our State Representative and our State Senator with letters to the editor manufacturing phrases of praise and dodging the damages they have done with the positions they take and their lock-step commitment with the Liberal extremist DFL leaders in the legislature and the special interest groups and organizations that support and fund Kalin and Olseen.

Election day is not far ahead of us. This time around, for the sake of all of us, we need to "retire" Representative Jeremy Kalin and get the kind of representation that will do us all some good by replacing Kalin with Don Taylor as the new representative from District 17b. Your future is in your vote!

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